Botanical characteristics of Morinda citrifolia L., Rubiaceae family


  • Van Ut Le
  • Van Quoc Huy Ho
  • Bao Ngan Lam
  • Thi Bich Ngoc Vo
  • Hong Huong Ha Ly



Anatomy; morinda citrifolia L.; morpholog; plant powder; phytochemical


Background: Morinda citrifolia L. is a medicinal herb used in traditional medicine
for the treatment of antioxidant, anti-inflammationand immune system booster. The
morphological and anatomical characteristics serve as the basis to distinguish Morinda citrifolia
L. and to examine the plant. However, not many documents related to morphology and anatomy
of this species have been recorded or studied in Vietnam. Objectives: Investigation of
morphological, anatomical, plant powder characteristics and preliminary screening of
phytochemical constituents of Morinda citrifolia L. Methods: Fresh plants of Morinda citrifolia
L would be collected for analyzing. Photographs of the samples are used to describe the
morphological and anatomical characteristics of the plant. Plant powder was observed by a
microscope. Preliminary phytochemical screening. Results: Tree trunk, a height from 4 - 8
meters. Leaves are simple and opposite. Flowers are even, hermaphroditic, pattern 5. Double
nut. Root anatomy has thick cork layer, wood 2 occupies the center. Body is square, calcium
oxalate crystals are gathered into bundles. Leaf anatomy: the upper cuticle is slightly convex,
the cutin layer is thin. Leaf powder: cuticle is slight, bicellular stomata. Fruit powder: Soft tissue
flakes, pods. The chemical composition in the fruit contains many essential oils, coumarins,
cardiac glycoside. Noni leaves contain fat, carotenoids, coumarins, tannins. Conclusion: The
morphological and anatomical characteristics of Morinda citrifolia L. help to identify this
species more exactly.






How to Cite

Le, V. Út, Ho , V. Q. H., Lam, B. N., Vo, T. B. N., & Ly, H. H. H. (2023). Botanical characteristics of Morinda citrifolia L., Rubiaceae family. Tập San Khoa học Và kỹ thuật trường Đại học Bình Dương, 6(1).